I had a case of bad attitude food poisoning spilling over from Week 6 but it all went away when my sister and my studio teachers/owner came to visit!!! I was tired of memorizing, tired from late nights, my body was tired...but it all turned around!
My sis joined us for her first yoga class! Rose (instructor) singled her out as a beginner and helped her through the postures. She did great! Didn't even lay down and did all of the postures. In fact, right after class I went to go look for her and she had already bolted to the gym to work on her biceps! ah - crazy, sis! ;)
She said that she would do another yoga class in the future...but without the heat. What?! The heat is the best part! It was nice to see her for a little bit. Plus she brought homemade choc chip cookies! yummmmbo!
Right when my sis left, Heidi, Linda & Annette arrived! Annette owns the Renton studio where I practice, Heidi manages it and Linda is a teacher that went to the Fall training in Acapulco (2008). Boy are they a bundle of ENERGY!!! I needed a good laugh. They are soooo incredibly supportive. I felt like crying when I saw them. They shared their experiences going through the training and it was comforting to know that everything that I've been going through is normal. It's all part of the "process." I tell ya, therapists could make lots of $ here!
The practice has been good...given my body is very sore and tight. Like Linda, my new favorite scent is tiger balm. Slather that on! Interesting fact...we've done 78 classes so far!!!! That seems nuts. We have 22 more to go. I feel like I should be 98 lbs by now. Uh, not quite. I've been justifying my sweet treats by telling myself that I've done doubles every day so I should have chocolate almonds (my new favorite treat!) I'm sure the lbs will somehow magically melt off when I deflate from all of the electrolytes. ha!
Rajashree came back in week 7! I like her classes because she is meditative but also kicks your butt. She lectured about each of the 26 postures, 2 breathing exercises and the health benefits of each one. It was interesting but I felt like we needed more time. Then we had Dr. Ann Marie, who is quite a character. She talked about chakras. I'm not sure if I believe or know well enough about them. She talked about how she has a pink orb that visits her. She also reads people. At one point, she pointed to a gal and said, "You used to be a monk!" (Hmm..could it be cuz this girl had a shaved head?) One of her main points was that we are all here to be balanced in our energies. The physical body tells alot about people's past and energy flow. For example, if you carry your right shoulder down then it means you had an overbearing father figure. Or if you are a woman and carries junk in yo trunk, then that means you have supressed emotions stuck there. To get rid of the junk, you need to free yourself! She said that men don't have big butts cuz they are free and don't hang on to emotions. Funny stuff, huh?
Well, week 8 bring it on!!!
My bf is coming to visit next week. YIPEEE SKIPPY!!!
There is light at the end of the tunnel!
Me and sis
Me and Renton studio peeps