Ahhhhh....all rested from having Memorial Day off? Hope it was relaxing and you guys ate a ton of bbq food!
Over here, Bikram's reaction to Monday was, "What Holiday?!" Needless to say, we were going full force on Monday. Monday AM yoga is always a little creaky for me but Diane from Boston taught and she's really good. Is it good that we get Sunday off? There are lots of people here that can't wait to take the makeup classes that are on Sundays. Rumor has it that they go to the Palm Springs Bikram studio to practice on Sunday (and pay $10!) That's hard core. Me, on the other hand, am stuffing my pie hole with angel food cake (yup, finished off an entire cake), sour patch straws, 100 grand bars, and chinese food. That's my idea of a day of rest!!!
Monday was the last day that Dr. T taught. He was so sad to leave. He said we are his favorite group ever! His wife is funny...she grabs the mic and sings, tells jokes and stories. Even funnier is that she's always wearing bright green pants and shirts (did she not get the memo?)
I did better on my anatomy test. Just missed 2 questions. No more anatomy tests - yay! Then we had posture clinics in the afternoon. My group is super anxious...anxious to deliver dialogue, that is. You have to claw your way to deliver dialogue. I didn't get to deliver Standing Bow Pulling Pose but oh well...I guess I'll live.
Evening lecture was Bikram talking about the different types of yoga. It was hot again in the lecture room and I struggled to stay awake. They shut off all air from escaping into the room. No air. Dry heat. Sometimes I feel like I should bring a brown paper bag. After Bikram made his 4 important points (in 3 hours), we had MOVIE NIGHT! Now I know what "midnight showing" means. Except this was more like 12:30am showing.
So today is Tuesday and guess who is visiting? Jeremy! He is a familiar face around the Renton studio. He teaches at the Redmond and Seattle studios, and subs at the Renton one (I think). It was nice to see someone from my 'hood. Jeremy is here until Thursday. I recommended he go visit Living Desert to see the cool wildlife there. Here's a pic of me and Jeremy before tonight's yoga class.
*Favorite Bikram Quote of the Day*
(During middle of tonight's yoga class)
"Men need excitement in life. They don't like the same thing all the time. Women need to cook something different, change your face, keep men interested or else it's boring." (Or something to that effect)
PS) Tomorrow is officially the halfway point!